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Africa / Toto - Fingerstyle Tutorial

Africa / Toto - Fingerstyle Tutorial

Based on this arrangement:


00:00 - 01:26 - Introduction

01:27 - 05:53 - Right Hand Routine (Verses) + Exercise

05:54 - 15:21 - Intro

15:22 - 31:19 - 1st Verse (Low Notes)

31:20- 40:47  - Chorus- Left Hand Positions

40:48 - 50:30 - Chorus- Right Hand Routine

50:31 - 1:00:28 - 2nd Verse (High Notes)

1:00:29 - 1:02:05 - 2nd Chorus

1:02:06 - 1:15:29 - Solo

1:15:30 - 1:19:27 - Last Chorus + Outro


Good luck!

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